

We envision a world in which consumers, individuals, enterprises, public organizations, and NGO´s will give priority to food products that will help to protect and to restore nature and ecosystems instead of destroying these.

This will release the strongest power of all, the buying power, on the side of Sustainability and Climate. 

We are here to enable this – To create the platform of sustainable, nature-friendly and climate-friendly products that will make this possible. The products will carry the messages, and they will give the private and the professional consumers the choice of food products that will immediately and directly enforce Sustainability and Climate.


To ensure a healthy planet, abundant and nutritious food, and thriving people long into the future, we believe that 4 basic improvements to the way food is being produced:

  • Be honest and transparent to private and professional consumers – They will be the drivers on the journey towards Sustainability.
  • Be sure that those people producing our food products can have a life worth living and a sound hope for the future.
  • Food Production must coexist in peaceful cooperation with Nature.
  • Child Labor cannot be part of a Sustainable world.

The Implementation in Practise

The first step has been to find a place where food can be produced without destroying the nature.
Producing the raw materials of food relies on Nature, Geography, Soil Types, and Climate. The more optimized these conditions are from the hands of Nature, the easier it is to produce food in fruitful coexistence with Nature.

These conditions are optimized in Bolivia, and this is the first place where food raw materials based on the Food by Nature values can be sourced.

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