Wild Chocolate

From the Wild Cacao Trees of the Amazon Rain Forest

Wild Chocolate is being produced from cocoa of the wild cacao trees of the Amazon rainforest in Bolivia. The cacao trees are an original and natural part of the biodiversity of the rainforest.

The wild cacao beans has been collected by the indigenous peoples of the forest, the same way they have been doing it for 15000 years. 

The wild cocoa is 100% produced by nature, far away from any pesticides, microplastic and chemicals. It is 100% plant based.

The wild chocolate is for Chocolate Lovers and Gourmets.

It is for those who prefer to preserve the biodiversity and to be careful about the climate.

It is available in bars, with or without tastes and nibs, and in  bites for the coffee, the tea, or the small desert.

The Wild Cacao and Chocolate is also available in different formats for professional or hobby production.

The Sustainability

The original cacao trees are found in the wet areas of the Amazon forest in Bolivia. In these areas, collecting the Wild Cacao beans is the main source of income for the indigenous people.

Due to this income, they can stay in the forests and continue their life and culture if they wish to.  

As long as the people of the forest can continue their life in the forest, then the forest stays protected, and will not be burned or turned into plantations.


When we preserve the forests instead of turning them into cacao plantations, then we also preserve the biodiversity.

We avoid that millions of tons of CO2 are being released to the atmosphere.

Wild Chocolate is one of the world’s only luxuries that preserves the nature and the climate.

To know more about the climate effects and the sustainability of Wild Chocolate, please click here.

Wild Chocolate is among the world´s best chocolate.
Several of the Wild Chocolates have received medals
at international competitions.


Does cacao and cocoa really origin from South America?

Yes, Nature created the cacao tree in the Amazon forest millions of years ago.
Some thousand years ago it travelled with people to Meso-America, where these semi-original trees can still be found in some places in the rain forests.

I thought there were only 4 or 5 different types of cacao beans?

Well, you are in a way right. When the Europeans brought the cacao from South and Meso-America to Africa and from there to Asia, they were not aware of the different varieties. Therefore, today, only few varieties exist in cacao plantations.
By the way, this is no particular case for the cacao plants. Almost all natural plants develop large numbers of varieties, when they develop in tropic rainforest environments.

Why has Wild Chocolate a better taste than most other chocolates?

First of all because when we work with wild cacao and cocoa, then we have the full, natural and clean raw material at our disposal, just outside our doors. We have the hundreds of different natural varieties, and not only the few plantage grown varieties at our disposal.

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